Rose Garden Pool Association Pool Party Guidelines
~All parties must be scheduled with the Pool Manager, Assistant Manager or Head Guards. The reservation will be recorded on the calendar in the Manager’s office with Member’s name, phone number and total number attending. Members must fill out a Rose Garden Pavilion Reservation.
~All parties must be hosted by an Active Member present for the entire function.
~No private parties are permitted. The Association’s facilities will not be closed to others during any party.
~Parties may not be scheduled on holidays.
~The maximum number of guests permitted is thirty (30). If a member would like to sponsor a party that is greater than thirty (30), a written request should be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration.
~The time limit for any parties shall be not more than three (3) hours. Parties will be held during normal operating pool hours. Whistle will blow 15 minutes prior to pool closing to clear the pool.
~Only one party may be scheduled during the same time period, unless approved by the Pool Manager.
~Party date reservations shall be made on a “first-come, first-served’ basis. Any conflicting dates are to be resolved first by the parties requesting the dates…not the Pool Manager, or the Board of Directors.
~Party hosts are responsible for the conduct of their guests while on the Association’s Property. Any damage to the Association’s Property is the responsibility of the Member hosting the party.
~Party hosts are responsible for clean up after their party. This includes, but is not limited to gathering all trash and putting it in the disposal receptacles.
~The Active Member party host is responsible for paying guest fees for each non-Member in their group/party. All non-member attendees pay the guest fee to enter the facility. The guest fee is $5.00 per guest, whether the guest is swimming or not. Only cash or checks are accepted.
~ At the Pool Manager’s discretion, based on the number of persons using the Pool facilities on that particular day, it may be necessary to have additional guards on duty during the party.
~The host Member will be responsible for the hourly rate of any additional guards required during the party. The host Member shall be advised of this requirement on the day of the party.
~Sitting on picnic tables is strictly forbidden.
~No glass, alcohol, or smoking is permitted
~Party hosts are responsible for abiding by all party rules and all RGPA, Inc. By-laws.